DC Lasair

DC Lasair

Producer, Streamer, Moderator. Streams M-F 12pm PST


I'm DC - producer of TTRPG Actual Play streams, streamer, moderator, and instructor. Come by my stream M-Th. for fun times with video games and shouts of "Nope" or "Grappling Hook." Friday streams are reserved for Tech Fridays, where I talk about streamer tech and the tools I use to produce actual plays. Streams start at 12pm PST / 3pm EST on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/dclasair and YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/@dclasair

Going to a gaming convention? See if I'll be there with my "How to Produce a TTRPG Actual Play" panel.


Looking for a DM, Actual Play Producer, have a tech question, or looking for assistance in getting your stream going? Send me an e-mail and we'll talk prices and availability : info.dclasair@gmail.com